For Short Sighted There is Always a Problem

Martha Schoolman wrote a nice piece for the Sun-Sentinel warning the Democrat Party to not ignore the protesting students. There are many things wrong with Ms. Schoolman’s analysis. A basic point is that she starts and ends with the presumption the students, their sympathetic teachers and the paid provocateurs are correct in the quest to save the residents of Gaza and the other Palestinians from the Israeli oppressors.

We can tell protesters not pro-Palestinian but Pro-Hamas and anti-Jews. How can we tell this? These protesters have ignored basically every other what they term genocidal wars. They did not protest when Syria murdered over 500,000 of its citizens and forced millions to flee the country. There were no demonstrations shutting down campuses between 2003 and 2005 when an estimated 200,000 Sudanese were brutally murdered and starved to death in Darfur. There have been no campus-wide protests in support of Ukraine. This is just to mention a short list that apparently were not worthy of the students’ time.

Second, when the poor oppressed residents of Gaza fired thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians. Gaza by which we mean Hamas and the Islamic Jihad have launched over 10,000 rockets which have led to deaths and injuries of Israeli civilians, as well as widespread psychological trauma and disruption of daily life. The students were not concerned.

Third, Ms. Schoolman also ignores the fact that Hamas has controlled Gaza for over 15 years in which time they have taken the billions in aid and used it to build tunnels and purchase war materials for their one stated goal … to kill Jews. None of this money was used to make life better for the residents of Gaza. Where were the protests demanding a better life for the residents of Gaza?

Ms. Schoolman worries about how the Democratic Party might deal with these protesters come the National Convention in Chicago without giving any consideration to Hezbollah firing hundreds of missiles into northern Israel forcing almost 200,000 civilians to leave their homes.

Lastly, Ms. Schoolman, President Biden, now Norway, Ireland and Spain want to recognize an independent state of Palestine. This would be a nice reward for the terrorist Hamas. The PLO President would also receive a prize as he approaches the 20th year of his 4-year term without a second election. Of course, all these players and Ms. Schoolman fail to think about the fact that the Palestinians have turned down their own independent state 6 times, 3 in the last twenty years.

The students, knowing what it means or are just plain ignorant, chant the Hamas slogan … “From the River to the Sea”. It either eludes them out of ignorance or they agree with its meaning. It means death to all Jews and the total elimination of the democratic free state of Israel.

So, Ms. Schoolman if the Democratic Party ignores these ignorant, terrorist loving, Jew hating demonstrators, well good going Democratic Party. If the Democratic Party do as you suggest and give these protesters the time of day and try to make nice, for the sole purpose of winning votes, well then, the Democratic Party will be one without a backbone, without principle and worthy of anyone’s vote.

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