Trump Convicted and Now What?

The former president was found guilty by a New York jury of falsifying business records to cover up a payoff to a porn star, says Politico.

The payment to the porn star was not a crime was not the crime Trump was charged with. An individual can pay anyone to not say something. Parties in a lawsuit will have the other sign a non-disclosure agreement and receive a settlement payment.

Falsification of records? The Trump organization paid legal bills to Michael Cohen, attorney. Cohen submitted bills to the Trump organization. Attorneys routinely charge their clients for costs incurred in the course of providing those services. The costs can include travel, the hiring of outside experts or a plaintiff for a non-disclosure agreement.

Under New York law falsification of business records is a misdemeanor not a felony. What made it a felony? Alvin Bragg needed to prove they were in direct connection with another crime. The crime needed was election interference. This is critical because the statute of limitations for the falsification of records has long passed.

A key point. There are two agencies charged with determining if  election interference occurred. The agencies charged with making that determination are the Federal Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Election Commission (FEC). Both of these agencies had determined there was no crime here. Let’s be clear, either or both of these agencies with jurisdiction could have brought charges.

Among the criticisms leveled against Bragg from both right and left was that the district attorney’s office had raised from the dead a case that had been considered and abandoned by the federal prosecutor in the Southern District of New York. The federal prosecutor investigated and chose not to bring charges against Trump under federal campaign finance law for the same set of facts. These parties looked at election interference and found no provable case.

Trump’s legal team attempted to call a former commissioner of the FEC. The purpose of this testimony, I am guessing, would have been to explain what election interference is. Election law is very complicated. The Judge ruled that this expert could only testify before the court on basic dictionary definitions surrounding election law but not to venture into what would make an action illegal under those election laws. The prosecution brought an election law expert to explain why the actions of Trump were illegal under federal law and the judge stifled his testimony.

The jury was forced to use common sense to determine if falsifying the records broke the barrier into federal election interference. Bragg did not try to prove election interference; he barely mentioned it. Bragg did not bring a witness to explain how this was election interference. Neither the federal government nor the FEC try to prove election interference.

How can we see the actual determination of election interference? We can look at a similar set of facts and circumstances in the 2016 election. The FEC did successfully determine election interference. The FEC did fine the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign over its election interference in the 2016 election. The FEC fined both organizations that the party and campaign reported payments to the Democratic law firm Perkins Coie as legal expenses, when in actuality some of the money was earmarked for “paying Fusion GPS through Perkins Coie to conduct opposition research on Donald Trump.

Let’s see. Falsification of business records to influence the outcome of a federal election. Sounds familiar? I do not recall Bragg bringing any charges against Hillary Clinton for actually committing an election interference crime just like he charged Trump.

Bragg only attacked the checks to Michael Cohen as falsifying records without every bringing one witness to define how Trump broke the FEC law which he would need to make the falsification of records charge jump from misdemeanor to a felony.

I do congratulate Bragg and the Democratic Party who supported this case because we now see that the campaign contributions have been so amazing that the Trump team had to temporarily turn off their website because it was overwhelmed with contributions.

Finally, the issue is not whether a New York jury would find Trump guilty. Remember Trump does not have many fans in New York City. Of course, the verdict will be appealed which will probably not take place until after November. November 6th we will see what the verdict is when voters decide.

Biden’s Actions: Defender of Democracy or Autocratic Dictator?

President Biden tells us that this upcoming election is a choice between Democracy and not Democracy. The defender of the Constitution or one who wants to rip it up.

Curious on how Biden’s actions match against words as the self-declared defender of Democracy and the Constitution.

The Supreme Court said canceling student debt as Biden proposed was unconstitutional. Since then, Biden has without Congressional authorization eliminated $138 Billion in student debt. It is estimated that this will cost the Federal Government between $870 Billion and $1.4 Trillion over the next ten years. Actions of a protector of the Constitution?

Biden decided that he did not like the historical order of the Presidential Primaries in large part because Iowa and New Hampshire have not been kind to any of his presidential runs. What does Democracy defender decide? He would re-order the primaries to a more suitable order for his run. A defender of Democracy or an autocratic dictator?

The Democratic Party messed up when they planned their 2024 Convention. The date for that convention means that Biden would not appear on the Ohio ballet. What was the Democracy defender to do? Well, there will be Zoom anointing of Joseph Biden prior to the convention so he can be on the ballot. A defender of Democracy or an autocratic dictator or just a forgetful old man?

The President is presently rushing to sign Executive Orders and have his Administration enact substantial number of new regulations just in case he is not reelected. The goal of making life more difficult for his successor. The bulk of these actions are getting the minimal amount of publicity. This would be because the main news reporters have shown a desire to downplay these actions. Again, full disclosure or autocratic rule?

Biden used millions of gallons of oil from the Federal emergency reserve to reduce gas prices because he was getting bad press on the price of gasoline. Has Biden replenished those reserves? Biden canceled plans to refill America’s emergency oil reserve. Again, full disclosure or autocratic rule? Of is this another of Biden pandering for votes.

Biden told the American people that he had no knowledge or involvement with son Hunter’s business dealings with Ukraine, China, and Russia. Ignore the information that a considerable number of occasions Joe timely reached out to his son with a phone call while son was in business meetings with Chinese, Ukrainian or Russian business people and of course Hunter took those calls and put his father on speaker phone. Curious?

Biden loves to mention directly or indirectly Trump’s legal woes. Biden forgets to include, and reporters forget to mention Biden’s legal woes.

Classified documents related to Afghanistan; Iraq found in Biden’s home basement in Delaware. Hur found that Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials” after leaving office. In addition, he shared these classified documents with people not cleared to see them. Hur’s report concluded that the evidence did not support prosecuting the president. The primary reason for that determination was that nothing proved a willful intent by Biden to illegally hold onto classified information that could be proven in court because of Biden’s age, memory gaps and that he would appear as a sympathetic old man as he explained why he did not bring charges.

Trump has been convicted of actions to impact the 2016 Presidential election. Biden and the reporters covering this matter forget to mention that right before the 2020 election Biden lied directly to the American public about Hunter’s laptop. The laptop contains damaging information about the presidential candidate. Joe Biden had Anthony Blinken soon to be Secretary of State to encourage fifty former US Intelligence Officer to make a public statement that the laptop was probably a Russian ploy. Joe knew it was Hunter’s, Hunter knew it was his and the FBI knew it was not a Russian ploy. Various newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post, plus Facebook and Twitter were strongly encouraged to not cover this story which they let slide.

Biden loves to portray himself as a righteous individual following the letter of the law as opposed to the legally questionable Trump.

Would a reasonable individual view Biden’s actions as a defender of Democracy or closer to an autocratic dictator? I hardly think so but of course the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN will tell you Biden = Good and Trump = Bad.

November 6, 2024, will be the test.

For Short Sighted There is Always a Problem

Martha Schoolman wrote a nice piece for the Sun-Sentinel warning the Democrat Party to not ignore the protesting students. There are many things wrong with Ms. Schoolman’s analysis. A basic point is that she starts and ends with the presumption the students, their sympathetic teachers and the paid provocateurs are correct in the quest to save the residents of Gaza and the other Palestinians from the Israeli oppressors.

We can tell protesters not pro-Palestinian but Pro-Hamas and anti-Jews. How can we tell this? These protesters have ignored basically every other what they term genocidal wars. They did not protest when Syria murdered over 500,000 of its citizens and forced millions to flee the country. There were no demonstrations shutting down campuses between 2003 and 2005 when an estimated 200,000 Sudanese were brutally murdered and starved to death in Darfur. There have been no campus-wide protests in support of Ukraine. This is just to mention a short list that apparently were not worthy of the students’ time.

Second, when the poor oppressed residents of Gaza fired thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians. Gaza by which we mean Hamas and the Islamic Jihad have launched over 10,000 rockets which have led to deaths and injuries of Israeli civilians, as well as widespread psychological trauma and disruption of daily life. The students were not concerned.

Third, Ms. Schoolman also ignores the fact that Hamas has controlled Gaza for over 15 years in which time they have taken the billions in aid and used it to build tunnels and purchase war materials for their one stated goal … to kill Jews. None of this money was used to make life better for the residents of Gaza. Where were the protests demanding a better life for the residents of Gaza?

Ms. Schoolman worries about how the Democratic Party might deal with these protesters come the National Convention in Chicago without giving any consideration to Hezbollah firing hundreds of missiles into northern Israel forcing almost 200,000 civilians to leave their homes.

Lastly, Ms. Schoolman, President Biden, now Norway, Ireland and Spain want to recognize an independent state of Palestine. This would be a nice reward for the terrorist Hamas. The PLO President would also receive a prize as he approaches the 20th year of his 4-year term without a second election. Of course, all these players and Ms. Schoolman fail to think about the fact that the Palestinians have turned down their own independent state 6 times, 3 in the last twenty years.

The students, knowing what it means or are just plain ignorant, chant the Hamas slogan … “From the River to the Sea”. It either eludes them out of ignorance or they agree with its meaning. It means death to all Jews and the total elimination of the democratic free state of Israel.

So, Ms. Schoolman if the Democratic Party ignores these ignorant, terrorist loving, Jew hating demonstrators, well good going Democratic Party. If the Democratic Party do as you suggest and give these protesters the time of day and try to make nice, for the sole purpose of winning votes, well then, the Democratic Party will be one without a backbone, without principle and worthy of anyone’s vote.

Biden Must Be So Proud

On so many fronts President Biden loves to brag. These brags it seems often miss important facts or the rest of the story to give people the complete picture but then there might not be anything to brag about.

The stock market is up and inflation has dropped to 3.4% for at least this last month. Biden tells us that inflation was up at 9% when he took office. Missing? First, inflation when Biden took office was 1.4%. Second, inflation did reach 9% but it was June 2022 of the Biden presidency. Cumulative Biden generated inflation reached 20% in May 20%. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also confirmed that the consumer price index is resurgent and growing faster than average wages. Historic inflation is causing declining living standards and a cost-of-living crisis. Under Biden’s presidency, grocery prices have increased by nearly one-third and gas has risen by 50 percent. So, yes Mr. President the stock market is up and monthly inflation is down to 3.4%.

The President tells us how he has Ukraine’s back and has brought a coalition to support them in their war against Russia. What’s missing? First, from the start Biden has dragged his feet giving Ukraine important weapon systems such as tanks, airplane and defensive missiles. The weapons he has sent have range limitations set to Ukraine could not defend themselves by attacking Russian troops in Russia. Biden removed restrictions on Russian sale of oil and gas allowing them to better fund their side of the war. Biden has not imposed any restrictions on China providing military support for Russia. So, yes Mr. Biden has Ukraine’s back just not real support for Ukraine to win the war just slow walk to a surrender.

The President tells us he is the defender of the Constitution. He will be the most transparent President ever. What’s missing? The President sat for almost five hours with Attorney Robert Hur. Hur said that he felt that “at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” In Hur’s view, “it would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him—by then a former president well into his eighties—of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.” So despite the clear facts that Biden had broken the law with his mishandling of classified documents he would not be prosecuted. Trump whose handling of similar documents might prove to be legal is being prosecuted. Add to this that despite giving the written transcripts, Biden is refusing to give the audio transcripts to Congress. Finally, we are expected to vote for this sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory to continue to hold the most complicated demanding job in the world. Just looking at the facts.

President Biden has continually said he has Israel’s back in the war with Hamas. What’s missing? First Biden allowed Senator Chuck Schumer, from the floor of the Senate to call for the resignation of the duly elected Prime Minister of Israel. Have we ever said that about any democratically elected leader of an ally, particularly during a war? Second, apparently the US Intelligence Agencies know exactly where the leaders of Hamas are hiding in Gaza and where the hostages are being held. This information has been withheld from our ally Israel unless they agree to conduct the war exactly as President Biden dictates so he can appease his progressive base. Lastly, Biden is withholding weapons from Israel contrary to authorization approved by Congress something we have never done to an ally whose is in the middle of a war.

We will leave aside the issues that Biden removed sanctions on Iran allowing them to bank over $70 Billion dollars to fund their support of Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis in their terrorist wars. We will leave aside that Biden’s administrative team has been pumping out regulations at a record pace that will make it hard for the next administration to walk back or undo, keeping in place Biden’s progressive agenda which is slowing the US economy. We will leave aside that Biden has taken unprecedented public positions on corporate mergers and actions long before they are adjudicated through the normal system. We will leave aside the hundreds of billions is student debt relief without one word on the skyrocketing college tuition that students have to borrow money to pay.

Biden supporters just like to ignore the complete picture because the hate Trump.

The Consistent Foreign Policy of Joe Biden

For all you Trump haters, for you who claim Trump is a Putin puppet, I ask you to consider the facts. Please put away your unbridled hatred based upon the Trump personality and look at the facts.

Biden, against the documented advice of his military, ordered US troops out of Afghanistan. Why? The Taliban promised to be nice to girls and women. Without prior consultation with our allies this retreat happened quicker than our military said was practical, leaving behind $80 Billion in military hardware. Grading – Failure.

Biden removed the sanctions against Iran so they would be a nicer player in the world. Results, Iran received 70 billion dollars, fully funded Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis. These sanctions have not been reinstated even after Iran launched missiles and drones against Israel. Let’s not forget their sending drones to Russia in its effort to conquer Ukraine. Grading – Failure.

Biden demonstrated either his fear of or just plain acquiescence to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine by holding back significant weapons systems which has caused the war to drag on. This has been well documented by even the New York Times and CNN. Grading – Failure.

Iran-backed militias initiated a coordinated series of more than 170 attacks on U.S. military bases and assets in Syria, Iraq, and Jordan. These attacks resulted in injuries to dozens of U.S. service members. The Biden response? Announce days in advance where and when the US will strike. Success? Sorry – Failure again.

The Red Sea crisis began on 19 October 2023, when the Iran-backed Houthi movement in Yemen launched missiles and armed drones at Israel, demanding an end to the invasion of the Gaza Strip. American response as the Houthis shut down international shipping in the Red Sea? What was it? The U.S. and British forces launched a series of proportionate strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen. The result? Shipping is still shut down and the Houthi missiles keep coming. Sorry – Failure again.

Biden had good words when Hamas murdered, raped, beheaded, and butchered 1,200 innocent Israelis. His subsequent words and his actions have shown support for Hamas. At every opportunity he has publicly called for Israel’s restraint and even an unconditional cease-fire. This is even though there are Americans amount the hostages still held by  Hamas. Now Biden is holding back precision weapons for Israel which might have reduced civilian casualties. Biden did not comment when Hamas fired rockets against the Kerem Shalom border crossing from Israel which allows humanitarian aid into Gaza killing four Israeli soldiers his public problem was that Israel captured the border crossing in Rafah. Biden’s clear message to Hamas is to not surrender or comprise with Israel because he will force Israel to surrender. Biden is apparently okay with a Hamas victory. Grading – Failure.

When you complain about Trump, please remember the facts that at all opportunities Biden’s actions have benefited dictators, terrorists, and just all-around bad people.

This is a matter of policy and decision making. Please explain why you want Biden in charge of our foreign policy for another four years.

Very Misleading Headline – Sun Sentinel

Today, the Sun-Sentinel really overstated the facts, printing a banner headline proclaiming the misleading statement that HAMAS ACCEPTS GAZA CEASE-FIRE DEAL instead of DAY 213 OF HOSTAGES BEING HELD BY HAMAS.

It sounds like there is an agreement on the table that both parties substantially agree to. This would be wonderful. Unfortunately, there is no such agreement.

Hamas agreed to a proposal by Egypt and Qatar. Yes, the two parties are supposedly seriously negotiating at least a temporary cease-fire, release of some number of Palestinian prisoners including who gets to pick those individuals and the release of some number of hostages.

What we do know is that the deal Hamas accepted was a package that Israel has previously said was a non-starter because the number of days was too long, the number of Palestinian prisoners was too large compared to the limited number of hostages to be released.

If the Biden Administration wanted to help the process they would stop publicly pressuring Israel and publicly pressure Hamas to release hostages unconditionally. Biden could pressure Egypt to allow residents of Gaza to temporary shelter in the vast unoccupied Sinai to get away from this war. Biden could publicly demand that Hamas stop firing on humanitarian aid shipments and stop stealing the ones that get through. Biden could demand that Hamas lay down its weapons. Oh the productive things Biden could do but instead he makes Hamas happy by publicly demanding what Israel should do such as stop trying to defeat an enemy whose #1 goal is the destruction of Israel and death to all Jews.

If the Sun-Sentinel wanted to print a headline … it might be to emphasize that the hostages have now been held over 213 days. During this period the Red Cross has not been allowed to see these prisoners.

So, the Sun-Sentinel should not glorify Hamas but instead shine a spotlight on the terrorist organization that does not care one iota about the residents of Gaza.

Both Sides of the Story – Israel / Hamas

The Queen of Jordan gave an interview to Face the Nation. The conversation covered what Israel should do … stop the war and allow unlimited aid to reach the residents of Gaza. Then what should the US do … apply pressure on Israel to stop the war and allow unlimited aid to reach the residents of Gaza.

On the university campuses the paid professional agitators and the students have a message  … stop the war and allow unlimited aid to reach the residents of Gaza. They include death to Israel, death to the Jews and death to America in their message. President Biden has one consistent message to the Israel and the world … Israel should stop the war and allow unlimited aid to reach the residents of Gaza.

What is consistently missing from all these discussions? Hamas can stop the war today. All they must do is (1) say it in English and Arabic declare their end to their war against Israel followed by actual actions and (2) release 100% of the hostages without conditions.

There is no public pressure on Hamas. There is no demand for them to take any action. Hamas demands what Israel does, which prisoners to be released in response to only a partial number of hostages. Hamas wants a ratio of 40-1, 40 prisoners some convicted of murdering Jews for 1 innocent hostage. Anyone wonder why it takes 40 Palestinian convicts to equal 1 Israeli?

Why is everyone forgetting the hostages? Why is there no mention of pressure on Hamas? Start every article or discussion on the war with the status of the hostages?

More Information on the War

There are many things to consider as you read about the Israel – Hamas War. This is a complicated issue which many of those on the sidelines, including reporters, either choose to ignore or are ignorant of the long history behind current events.

There are, however, some facts which many are not aware of because they do not make much news.

As parents or taxpayers providing funds to your children’s universities and college, you may wonder how your children have come to their decision to violate school policy and physically harass Jewish students. Your children are marching in support of Hamas, a terrorist group responsible for murdering and raping women and children, beheading children and holding still over 140 hostages. Your children are standing next to and being encouraged by non-student paid professional agitators. Wonder how all the tent encampments have the same new tents across the country?

Did your students march in protest of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, or Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine or Syrian’s slaughter of over 617,000 of its citizens, or the Rwandan genocide where over one million were killed, or the killings Darfur where just between 2003 and 2005 an estimated 200,000 civilians were murdered? Do these students protest for more support for the thousands of homeless in America? Nope they choose to protest in support of a terrorist group that plaques their own people.

What you may not be aware of is that your children’s professors and teacher assistants have been surrounding the protesters to protect them from the police and campus security. Yes, professors and teacher assistants who were supposed to being teaching your children to think objectively, researching facts and looking at a complete picture before jumping into the fray are protecting your children as they protest in support of the terrorist Hamas organization, violate school polices and physically harass fellow students simply because they are Jewish. The students with their paid accomplices are posting signs and chants … death to Israel, death to Jews, death to America. Are you proud parents?

These same professors have been teaching your children that Israel which is a legitimate democracy constantly fighting for its existence is some how the aggressor. They teach them that Hamas which has had full control of Gaza for 15 years receiving billions in financial aid, spending them money on building a war machine to eliminate and by eliminate they mean kill all the Jews. Somehow in all this Israel are somehow the aggressors. As parents or taxpayers, you might wonder what kind of education you are paying for.

On every front, Israel is held out to be the bad party. The United Autoworkers Union’s President Shawn Fein has thrown the union’s support behind the student protesters and against Israel. Mr. Fein has stated publicly that the UAW has been calling for a ceasefire since the start of the war. Mr. Fein and the UAW believe that this war of self-defense against a group that mutilated women, beheaded children, raped women of all ages, killed over 1,200 innocent Israelis, and took over 240 hostages, still holding about 140 is some how the victims in this war. Israel, the UAW holds that Israel should acquiesce to all of Hamas’ demands. Also, the UAW represents the college teacher assistants. A question might arise is that is Fein’s position that of the union membership or just Mr. Fein?

President Biden has not spoken about the UAW’s position even though it is supposed to be contrary to his supposed administration policy towards Israel. Biden says he is the Union’s President. Biden has two choices. He can publicly speak against the UAW’s position, or he can ignore it and hope that union membership will still vote for him in November.

President Biden speaks out of both side of his mouth on this issue. He says Israel should win this war against Hamas but without going into Rafah where Hamas is hold-up. He along with Senator Schumer call for the duly elected prime minister of a democratic country in proper election to resign because they do not like his policies.

So, as you move toward November elections keep in mind that Biden’s position on Israel will facilitate to a position that he feels will help him get elected, not necessary the right position based upon the facts.

Campus Life Today

The Sun-Sentinel recent editorial “Campus Protestors Need A History” was good but missed some points.

These protests are not Pro-Palestinian, they are closer to Pro-Hamas. These protests are clearly anti-Israel, anti-Jew. They have signs and chants that say death to Israel, death to Jews. Add that there were no such protests before October 7th. Death to America” is emerged as a key slogan in these anti-Israel protests. The protestors have only one goal and that is clear.

Some history would be important for these protestors and their appeasers with their talk about rewarding Hamas and the Palestinians with a two state solution. Apparently, these people do not know their history. The Palestinians have been offered their own state next to the Jewish state of Israel (1) the British Peel Commission suggested a two state solution in 1937, (2) in 1947, the UN partition plan was put on the table, (3) July 2000 at Camp David summit Israel PM Ehud Barak offered Yassir Arafat a separate state which Arafat responded with the al-Aqsa Intifada, (4) August 2005, Israel withdrew 100% from Gaza including taking their buried dead, the response was Gaza became a war camp, (5) in 2008, Israeli PM Ehud Olmert offered PA president Mahmoud Abbas a sweeping peace proposal which have lead to a two state solution and (6) 2019, President Trump offered the Deal of the Century. Each offered was not countered with an alternative but just a plain simple no.

The Palestinian plans call for a land that is Jew Free, not one Jew will be allowed to live in the Palestinian territory. The land they want as their own would be from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, basically the total elimination of the Jewish State of Israel. The Palestinian land is significantly different than Jewish Israel which is open to LGBTQ, all minorities and Arabs. Arabs serve in all parts of Israeli society including positions on the Israel Supreme Court. In the Arab world, women do not have equal rights and LGBTQ are not tolerated.

These protesters do not care about facts or actual documented history. All of Gaza was turned over to the Palestinians in 2005, nineteen years ago. Not one Jew remained, not one Jew buried in the ground remained. Green houses and other functioning facilities were destroyed by the Palestinians. 2007, Hamas came to power, killing any Palestinian who got in their way. Hamas has received billions in financial aid over this time. The money has not gone to make life better for the Gaza residents. They did not build water purification plants, they did not build electric generating facilities, what they did spend the money on was tunnels and weapons. You might want to ask why after 17 years of full control of Gaza why those residents are still living in refugee camps. Oh, these are real cities with high rise buildings, hospital, schools and yes, weapon manufacturing facilities.

Where are these protests? On university and college grounds. Many universities and colleges brag about being a bastion for free speech and a place to exchange different opinions. Problem is that these are places where conservative professors have great difficulty getting jobs because of their different opinions. Conservative professors are criticized for what is called their microaggressions when they use words that make their liberal students uncomfortable. Pro-Israel discussion is routinely frowned on.

Universities and colleges brag about their position on free speech, they are anything but open to different opinions. Speakers representing conservative position or pro-Israel viewpoint have been shouted down or canceled to avoid hearing their opinions. The university administrators have consistently not stood up for hearing those with differences as they allowed the disruptions to stop speakers or have canceled invitations to those with different opinions.

Finally, let’s be clear these protestors hate Jews. Many of the university administrations have no problem capitulating to the protestors demands. So, where are we?

Biden vs Trump – Reality Check

Listening to President Biden and reading the op-ed pieces talking about the key issue facing America it is interesting. We have a unique circumstance with this election where we should compare the actual actions of two men who have been President.

The press has no problem telling us the bad business practice of Trump but glosses over the Biden Family Business with little or no questions, accepting without questions whatever Biden’s team says. Hunter and uncle have made millions touting the Biden name and ready access to Joe. I am not saying the Joe has benefited directly but it is clear from the testimony that he has had no problem taking meetings or making phone call perfectly timed for Biden Family business meetings. Stories like Hunter’s laptop which the press followed Anthony Blinken’s direction to not cover the story right before the 2020 election. Hunter knew it was his laptop, the FBI knew it was his laptop and Joe knew it was his son’s laptop. Blinken was able to coerce 50 intelligence officer without looking at the laptop to say it was a Russian trick.

I do believe Mr. Trump is terrible person. Mr. Biden is no saint. The policies during the first three years of Trump’s  presidency did produce an America that was better than the policies followed by Mr. Biden.

Biden touts the drop in inflation. Trump’s average rate of inflation 2017-2019 was 2.13%. When Trump took office inflation was 1.37% and at the end of those three years it was 1.81%. Biden’s three-year average rate 2021-2023 was 5.73%. When Biden took office the rate of inflation was 1.68% rising to a high of 9.06% in June 2022. Biden brags about the drop in inflation without mentioning it is from the high that he helped create.

Under Trump paychecks grew faster than inflation. Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 8.7% after inflation. Under Biden, from April 2021 to April 2023, inflation outpaced hourly wage growth which means workers were worse off.

Biden is all about reducing the country’s carbon footprint. Fact, during Trump’s presidency without heavy handed government regulation coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%. Carbon emissions from energy consumption dropped 11.5%. The Biden Administration is creating without Congressional involvement rules targeting all coal-fired power generation and future natural gas power plants. The regulations, according to officials, will help the nation meet Biden’s goal of de-carbonizing the nation’s power grid and transitioning to green energy sources like wind and solar. No one is asking the question with the growing need for electrical and natural gas power where our power will come from. With all the Energy Czar John Kerry / Biden team hoopla about global emissions the fact is that since 2000 Asia’s numbers have more than doubled and are three times that of the US.

Biden lost his battle with the Supreme Court over student debt relief. Biden has used the regulation changes to saddle taxpayers with $161 Billion in student debt without Congressional approval. Courting the voters who took on more debt than they feel they can payback.

Biden through his other regulatory actions not exactly authorized by Congress loves to look for ways to chase voters. He has abandoned the plan to ban menthol cigarettes because he believes the ban might hurt his chances with Black voters. Biden, again pandering for young voters, without Congressional involvement, is moving to reclassify marijuana to a less dangerous drug.

Biden’s foreign policy has been one disaster after another. He removed sanctions Trump imposed on IRAN allowing IRAN to bank $70 Billion over the last three years. IRAN is a proud sponsor of worldwide terrorism including a major funder of Hamas and Hezbollah in their war against Israel.

Our troops have been attacked by Iranian supported terrorists in Syria almost 200 attacks, The Biden response has been very limited with no significant consequences for the attackers. The Yemen Houthis have put a strangle hold on shipping in the Gulf. Biden ordered response has been again pin pricks. The attacks continue. Both Biden and his press supporters do not seem to really care.

When it came to helping Ukraine, the President has dragged his feet on every significant weapon system requested, long range missiles, tanks, airplanes and missile defense systems. Biden has been very helpful to Putin reducing Ukraine’s ability to defend itself.

Of course, let’s not forget Afghanistan. It was Biden’s decision to pull all of our troops out with short notice. He did this against the recommendation of his senior military advisors and without discussion with our allies who had troops in country. Because of his decision he left over $80 Billion in new American military equipment behind. Of course he did get, so he said, assurances from the Taliban that they would treat women and girls fairly. Because of his short timetable, he left Americans and people who has worked with the US and its allies over 20 years to suffer the consequences of now being under Taliban rule. The Taliban did not keep their word, surprising, about the treatment of women and girls.

Biden is proposing to bring certain Palestinians from Gaza to the US as refugees giving them safe haven and citizenship. Another of his actions without Congressional approval or involvement. Biden seems to have no problem allowing over 6 million illegal immigrants into the US and supporting providing them the full benefits of citizenship. These illegal undocumented people have been peppered around the US where they are being peppered around America. They are costing taxpayers billions of dollars. Anyone remember any significant discussion abut how this is supposed to work.

When letters to the editor tell you to vote for Biden to defend Democracy, all I ask is that you examine record of the two choices there is a real differences between these two and the consequences are substantial.